Edited by Azizi Powell
This post presents comments about, text examples of, and performance activities for the children's chant "Hey, hey get out of my way / "I just got back from the USA".
The content of this post is presented for folkloric and recreational purposes.
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to those featured in these videos and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.
"Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" is a children's taunting chant that is documented to have been performed in a similar way throughout the United States and Canada. {Information about the performance activities associated with this chant is found below.] While the built in assumption in this chant is that visiting to the United States conferred so much status that other people should move out of the way for "their betters", when the chant is said in the United States it just serves as a rhythmical taunting rhyme similarly to other such rhymes.*
The earliest date that I have found for "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" is 1956. However, a number of examples of this chant in both the United States and Canada are attributed to the 1970s. The widespread occurrence of this chant, particularly in the 1970s, causes me to wonder if the performance of "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" was included in a United States movie or television show that would have also been available for viewing in Canada.
*I collected another example of a children's "get out the way" rhyme from an African American female Toya L. who remembered chanting it in the late 1990s (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) with two or more other girls walking down the street with their arms locked together, and daring other people to remain in their path:
"We don't stop for nobody
Can you dig it?
Get with it
When Toya was chanting this, Montel, her ten year old son (my grandson)began chanting along with her. Toya didn't know that Montel knew this chant. Montel said that he learned it from other kids and that he had done this with other boys.
(These theories are presented in no particular order. The numbers are given for reference purposes only.)
1. This children's chant began as a United States military cadence.
The earliest date that I have found for the chant "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" is 1956. That date was given with this example which was posted on a Mudcat folk music discussion thread that I started on children's cheers that come from or are similar to military cadences:
(Philippine Islands; Circa 1956)
Hey! Hey! Get out of my way!
I just got back from the U. S. A.
-Guest Gargoyle, 30 Dec 04, repost from "Jody's children - kids' rhymes from military cadences"; http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=73808#1366888
WARNING: Some examples in that discussion thread contain profanity.
My sense is that this blogger meant that this example was a military cadence and not a Because children's chant based on a cadence. To date, I've not found this chant on any other military cadence web page. However, I have found other "get out of the way" military cadences such as the following two examples:
"A U.S. Navy cadence goes:
I'm a battleship baby
Just a blastin' down the line
I'm a battleship baby
Just a blastin' down the line
So you better get out of my way now
before I blast all over you
It's just a little uh, a little uh, a little rock and roll
It's the kinda uh, the kinda uh, the kind to soothe your soul
So you better get out of my way now
Before I blast all over you
Each verse a different object is put in and a different action. (ex. Jackhamer/Jack, Steamroller/roll, screwdriver/screw)"
-robheather13, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070312204549AAqWGOa,
US Navy Seals Get Out of My Way Cadence
CreditDue52, Uploaded on Jul 14, 2010
Run to cadence with the US Navy SEALs
Words to this chant:
[Each line is first sung by a lead and the repeated by the group)
Get out of my way, Stand aside
A Seal team member is a-comin by.
Get out of my way, we’re comin through
And if you don’t gonna mess with you.
If you’re smart, don’t mess with me
Cause we’re the sons of UDT.
Hoo yah hey
Hoo yah hey
Just another rotten day.
Transcription by Azizi Powell. Italics mean that I'm not certain about that transcription.
A blogger on this page about this chant http://www.torontomike.com/2008/11/we_just_came_from_the_usa.html "We Just Came From the U.S.A." Published by Toronto Mike on November 10, 2008 @ 19:12 in Memories, Music usa,[hereafter given as "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike"] wrote
"This old school yard song makes me think about soldiers returning from war. Specifically, WWII. Very patriotic.
-Jane, June 16, 2010
Putting aside the fact that I've yet to find an example of this chant from the mid 1940s (the end of World War II), if "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" was a military cadence, wouldn't the preposition used be "to" instead of "from"? ("I've just got back to the USA" and not "I've just got back from the USA").
2. This chant is an adaptation of a military cadence.
It seems more likely to me that the "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" chant is an adaptation of a United States military cadence than an actual cadence which was members of the military. That said, I've no proof to back up that theory.
3. This chant was composed by American (United States) children who lived on military bases outside of the USA and who came back to those bases after visiting the USA.
From http://weservedtoo.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/hey-hey-get-out-of-my-way-i-just-got-back-from-the-usa/ "Hey, Hey! Get Out of My Way! I Just Got Back From the USA!"
Posted on May 30, 2012 by imclellan [written by Medders]- memories of play activities by "army brats on overseas base apartments (bases that were across the ocean from the USA) in the 1950s and 1960s
“One other curious game was played by us military brats, at least overseas. It really wasn’t much of a game, but more of a declaration. Usually two or more kids would link arms and walk around the playground yelling at the top of their lungs, “Hey, hey, get out of my way. I just got back from the USA!” I suppose in the grand scheme of things, those you just arrived from the “World” would be that important as to demand the tribute of moving out of their way. After all, they were privy to the knowledge of what was cool stateside, and we did want to know what was going on in the States. We desperately wanted to hear about the new TV shows, toys, music, and fashions. I tried it a few times on my return from our visits back to the land of the “Round Doorknobs”, and it was elating to do.”
Variations of the chant "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" are included in two pop-rock Canadian band recordings: Trooper's "American Dream" (1991) and Burton Cummings' "We Just Came From the U.S.A." (2008)*. It's possible that prior to those above mentioned recordings (and since those recordings), Canadian children could have learned this chant from children living in the United States who visited Canada. However, that wouldn't explain why anyone visiting a country other than the United States would say "I just got back from the USA.
*In the article http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Artists/T/Trooper/2008/11/21/7484141-sun.html, Darryl Sterdan refers to "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" as "an old Canadian school yard chant". Sterdan writes that "Trooper's lines "Hey, hey, get out of my way, I just came back from the U.S.A." are the closing refrain in a cynical roots-rock examination of the American music industry." He also writes that "In the Cummings song -- which appears on his recently released comeback album Above the Ground -- the lyrics "Hey, hey, get out of our way, we just came from the U.S.A." are used as the anthemic chorus to a big arena-rocker about American values."
That the chant "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" was known in Canada prior to the Canadian pop-rock band Trooper's 1991 recording is attested by the webpage "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike" and some responses to that page. That blogger remembered "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" as an "old school yard chant" from the late 1970s (presumably given his internet name, in Toronto, Canada). Two commenters to that article who cited geographical information also remembered that chant from Canada, one from Mississauga (Ontario) "in the early 70's" and one from "Winnipeg Manitoba in the 70s".
Fourteen commenters (to date) have posted responses to that article from 2008 to February 2014. Eight of those commenters provided the names of the geographical location where they lived when they chanted "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" or heard it chanted. As indicated above, two of those commenters (and also the blog poster) are from Canada. One of the commenters to date is from Tampico, Mexico (the early 90's), and six of those commenters remembered chanting "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" when they were children in Bramalea (California; "in the mid 70's."), Milwaukee, Wisconsin ("thirty years ago" [in the 1980s]), Oakland, California (1965-68), Flagstaff, Arizona ("circa 1977), and Phoenix, Arizona (early 70s).
In addition to those examples posted to that article, in the 1990s I collected this chant from my step daughter Jozita who remembered it from her childhood in the early 1970s in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her version of that chant is "Hey! Hey! Get out of the way! / I just got back to the USA".
An additional example from the United States (from the 1980s or 1970s) is included in the Performance section below.
The children's chant "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" is spoken while a group of children move with locked arms across a space. Here are some descriptions of this chant's performance:
Example #1:
"It was pretty popular at Clark Blvd Public School in Bramalea in the mid 70's.
Boys vs Girls.
Girls always won."
-Stephanie, "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike", November 11, 2008
[Editor: Notice the references to "kicking" in the following examples.]
Example #2
"In Wisconsin the schoolyard chant included students walking in a line, with arms wrapped around each others back, while reciting the chant. When the line would reach you, you had two choices get out of the way,and chance being trampled on, or join in on the prosession. The choice was up to you. I did this thirty years ago and my nephews and nieces do it today."
-Ann, "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike", June 16, 2010
Example #3
"What Anne said - Oakland, California - 1965-68 - Line as wide as the playground marching across chanting - "Hey Hey get out of my way, just got back from(sic) the USA. If you don't get out of my way I'll kick you out of the way." - I never heard it anywhere else, and I suspected it came from the kids from the Navy base who went to our school, since we were IN the US and the chant was FROM the US."
Annelise, "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike", July 18, 2011
Example #4
"The only words I remember from 1st Grade in Flagstaff, Arizona, circa 1977, are "Hey! Hey! Get out of our way! We just came from the U.S.A! With a bottle of beer, and a KICK in the rear!" I feel there was one more couplet, but cannot be certain."
T. Reimche, "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike", May 28, 2012
Example #5
"Hey, Hey, get out of my way.
I just came back from the USA,
LMAO. What the devil were we talking about??? You would do this with 2 or more friends with your arms locked around each other - think Rockettes. Then when you say "Kaboom" we'd all kick our right leg out.
-Bamboozled http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=31403, March 25, 2003
Participants in this internet discussion about memories of childhood rhymes & cheers were members of historically Black [African American] Greek lettered sororities. Given some of the comments, it's likely that these women were remembering their childhoods in the 1980s or the 1970s.
I believe that the following children's cheerleader cheer derives from the "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" chant:
Maize Junior Cheerleading-5th Grade Squad, Published on Sep 5, 2013
I've also seen the name of this cheer given online as "Blow You Away". In some cheer performances, the cheerleaders mimic the "blow you away" words. Here's a video of that cheer performance activity:
Wrestling Cheer - Blow You Away
My transcription from the video:
Hey! Hey you!
Get out of his way!
Because today is the day
He will blow you away.
Cheer words from linked website: http://ultimatecheerlist.webs.com/abcdefgh.htm
Blow You Away (Original) VIDEO
Hey! Hey you! Get out of our way! Because today is the day we will blow you away!
Blow You Away (New)
Hey! Hey you! Get out of our way! Because today is the day we will blow you away!
Note that commenter wrote in 2013 "Hi I'm Sammie and I'm a wrestlig cheerleader and when my squad an I did this cheer many ppl laughed and they took it wrong is there anyway we could change the words to make it sound appropriate".
No response to this comment has been added to date.
Thanks for visiting pancocojams.
Visitor comments are welcome.
This post presents comments about, text examples of, and performance activities for the children's chant "Hey, hey get out of my way / "I just got back from the USA".
The content of this post is presented for folkloric and recreational purposes.
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to those featured in these videos and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.
"Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" is a children's taunting chant that is documented to have been performed in a similar way throughout the United States and Canada. {Information about the performance activities associated with this chant is found below.] While the built in assumption in this chant is that visiting to the United States conferred so much status that other people should move out of the way for "their betters", when the chant is said in the United States it just serves as a rhythmical taunting rhyme similarly to other such rhymes.*
The earliest date that I have found for "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" is 1956. However, a number of examples of this chant in both the United States and Canada are attributed to the 1970s. The widespread occurrence of this chant, particularly in the 1970s, causes me to wonder if the performance of "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" was included in a United States movie or television show that would have also been available for viewing in Canada.
*I collected another example of a children's "get out the way" rhyme from an African American female Toya L. who remembered chanting it in the late 1990s (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) with two or more other girls walking down the street with their arms locked together, and daring other people to remain in their path:
"We don't stop for nobody
Can you dig it?
Get with it
When Toya was chanting this, Montel, her ten year old son (my grandson)began chanting along with her. Toya didn't know that Montel knew this chant. Montel said that he learned it from other kids and that he had done this with other boys.
(These theories are presented in no particular order. The numbers are given for reference purposes only.)
1. This children's chant began as a United States military cadence.
The earliest date that I have found for the chant "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" is 1956. That date was given with this example which was posted on a Mudcat folk music discussion thread that I started on children's cheers that come from or are similar to military cadences:
(Philippine Islands; Circa 1956)
Hey! Hey! Get out of my way!
I just got back from the U. S. A.
-Guest Gargoyle, 30 Dec 04, repost from "Jody's children - kids' rhymes from military cadences"; http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=73808#1366888
WARNING: Some examples in that discussion thread contain profanity.
My sense is that this blogger meant that this example was a military cadence and not a Because children's chant based on a cadence. To date, I've not found this chant on any other military cadence web page. However, I have found other "get out of the way" military cadences such as the following two examples:
"A U.S. Navy cadence goes:
I'm a battleship baby
Just a blastin' down the line
I'm a battleship baby
Just a blastin' down the line
So you better get out of my way now
before I blast all over you
It's just a little uh, a little uh, a little rock and roll
It's the kinda uh, the kinda uh, the kind to soothe your soul
So you better get out of my way now
Before I blast all over you
Each verse a different object is put in and a different action. (ex. Jackhamer/Jack, Steamroller/roll, screwdriver/screw)"
-robheather13, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070312204549AAqWGOa,
US Navy Seals Get Out of My Way Cadence
CreditDue52, Uploaded on Jul 14, 2010
Run to cadence with the US Navy SEALs
Words to this chant:
[Each line is first sung by a lead and the repeated by the group)
Get out of my way, Stand aside
A Seal team member is a-comin by.
Get out of my way, we’re comin through
And if you don’t gonna mess with you.
If you’re smart, don’t mess with me
Cause we’re the sons of UDT.
Hoo yah hey
Hoo yah hey
Just another rotten day.
Transcription by Azizi Powell. Italics mean that I'm not certain about that transcription.
A blogger on this page about this chant http://www.torontomike.com/2008/11/we_just_came_from_the_usa.html "We Just Came From the U.S.A." Published by Toronto Mike on November 10, 2008 @ 19:12 in Memories, Music usa,[hereafter given as "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike"] wrote
"This old school yard song makes me think about soldiers returning from war. Specifically, WWII. Very patriotic.
-Jane, June 16, 2010
Putting aside the fact that I've yet to find an example of this chant from the mid 1940s (the end of World War II), if "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" was a military cadence, wouldn't the preposition used be "to" instead of "from"? ("I've just got back to the USA" and not "I've just got back from the USA").
2. This chant is an adaptation of a military cadence.
It seems more likely to me that the "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" chant is an adaptation of a United States military cadence than an actual cadence which was members of the military. That said, I've no proof to back up that theory.
3. This chant was composed by American (United States) children who lived on military bases outside of the USA and who came back to those bases after visiting the USA.
From http://weservedtoo.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/hey-hey-get-out-of-my-way-i-just-got-back-from-the-usa/ "Hey, Hey! Get Out of My Way! I Just Got Back From the USA!"
Posted on May 30, 2012 by imclellan [written by Medders]- memories of play activities by "army brats on overseas base apartments (bases that were across the ocean from the USA) in the 1950s and 1960s
“One other curious game was played by us military brats, at least overseas. It really wasn’t much of a game, but more of a declaration. Usually two or more kids would link arms and walk around the playground yelling at the top of their lungs, “Hey, hey, get out of my way. I just got back from the USA!” I suppose in the grand scheme of things, those you just arrived from the “World” would be that important as to demand the tribute of moving out of their way. After all, they were privy to the knowledge of what was cool stateside, and we did want to know what was going on in the States. We desperately wanted to hear about the new TV shows, toys, music, and fashions. I tried it a few times on my return from our visits back to the land of the “Round Doorknobs”, and it was elating to do.”
Variations of the chant "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" are included in two pop-rock Canadian band recordings: Trooper's "American Dream" (1991) and Burton Cummings' "We Just Came From the U.S.A." (2008)*. It's possible that prior to those above mentioned recordings (and since those recordings), Canadian children could have learned this chant from children living in the United States who visited Canada. However, that wouldn't explain why anyone visiting a country other than the United States would say "I just got back from the USA.
*In the article http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Artists/T/Trooper/2008/11/21/7484141-sun.html, Darryl Sterdan refers to "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" as "an old Canadian school yard chant". Sterdan writes that "Trooper's lines "Hey, hey, get out of my way, I just came back from the U.S.A." are the closing refrain in a cynical roots-rock examination of the American music industry." He also writes that "In the Cummings song -- which appears on his recently released comeback album Above the Ground -- the lyrics "Hey, hey, get out of our way, we just came from the U.S.A." are used as the anthemic chorus to a big arena-rocker about American values."
That the chant "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" was known in Canada prior to the Canadian pop-rock band Trooper's 1991 recording is attested by the webpage "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike" and some responses to that page. That blogger remembered "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" as an "old school yard chant" from the late 1970s (presumably given his internet name, in Toronto, Canada). Two commenters to that article who cited geographical information also remembered that chant from Canada, one from Mississauga (Ontario) "in the early 70's" and one from "Winnipeg Manitoba in the 70s".
Fourteen commenters (to date) have posted responses to that article from 2008 to February 2014. Eight of those commenters provided the names of the geographical location where they lived when they chanted "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" or heard it chanted. As indicated above, two of those commenters (and also the blog poster) are from Canada. One of the commenters to date is from Tampico, Mexico (the early 90's), and six of those commenters remembered chanting "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" when they were children in Bramalea (California; "in the mid 70's."), Milwaukee, Wisconsin ("thirty years ago" [in the 1980s]), Oakland, California (1965-68), Flagstaff, Arizona ("circa 1977), and Phoenix, Arizona (early 70s).
In addition to those examples posted to that article, in the 1990s I collected this chant from my step daughter Jozita who remembered it from her childhood in the early 1970s in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her version of that chant is "Hey! Hey! Get out of the way! / I just got back to the USA".
An additional example from the United States (from the 1980s or 1970s) is included in the Performance section below.
The children's chant "Hey Hey Get Out Of My Way" is spoken while a group of children move with locked arms across a space. Here are some descriptions of this chant's performance:
Example #1:
"It was pretty popular at Clark Blvd Public School in Bramalea in the mid 70's.
Boys vs Girls.
Girls always won."
-Stephanie, "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike", November 11, 2008
[Editor: Notice the references to "kicking" in the following examples.]
Example #2
"In Wisconsin the schoolyard chant included students walking in a line, with arms wrapped around each others back, while reciting the chant. When the line would reach you, you had two choices get out of the way,and chance being trampled on, or join in on the prosession. The choice was up to you. I did this thirty years ago and my nephews and nieces do it today."
-Ann, "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike", June 16, 2010
Example #3
"What Anne said - Oakland, California - 1965-68 - Line as wide as the playground marching across chanting - "Hey Hey get out of my way, just got back from(sic) the USA. If you don't get out of my way I'll kick you out of the way." - I never heard it anywhere else, and I suspected it came from the kids from the Navy base who went to our school, since we were IN the US and the chant was FROM the US."
Annelise, "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike", July 18, 2011
Example #4
"The only words I remember from 1st Grade in Flagstaff, Arizona, circa 1977, are "Hey! Hey! Get out of our way! We just came from the U.S.A! With a bottle of beer, and a KICK in the rear!" I feel there was one more couplet, but cannot be certain."
T. Reimche, "We Just Came From the U.S.A.": Toronto Mike", May 28, 2012
Example #5
"Hey, Hey, get out of my way.
I just came back from the USA,
LMAO. What the devil were we talking about??? You would do this with 2 or more friends with your arms locked around each other - think Rockettes. Then when you say "Kaboom" we'd all kick our right leg out.
-Bamboozled http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=31403, March 25, 2003
Participants in this internet discussion about memories of childhood rhymes & cheers were members of historically Black [African American] Greek lettered sororities. Given some of the comments, it's likely that these women were remembering their childhoods in the 1980s or the 1970s.
I believe that the following children's cheerleader cheer derives from the "Hey Hey Get Out Of The Way" chant:
Maize Junior Cheerleading-5th Grade Squad, Published on Sep 5, 2013
I've also seen the name of this cheer given online as "Blow You Away". In some cheer performances, the cheerleaders mimic the "blow you away" words. Here's a video of that cheer performance activity:
Wrestling Cheer - Blow You Away
My transcription from the video:
Hey! Hey you!
Get out of his way!
Because today is the day
He will blow you away.
Cheer words from linked website: http://ultimatecheerlist.webs.com/abcdefgh.htm
Blow You Away (Original) VIDEO
Hey! Hey you! Get out of our way! Because today is the day we will blow you away!
Blow You Away (New)
Hey! Hey you! Get out of our way! Because today is the day we will blow you away!
Note that commenter wrote in 2013 "Hi I'm Sammie and I'm a wrestlig cheerleader and when my squad an I did this cheer many ppl laughed and they took it wrong is there anyway we could change the words to make it sound appropriate".
No response to this comment has been added to date.
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Visitor comments are welcome.